![<br/><br/> [106美國直購] MXL 專業電容式麥克風含避震架 MXL 770X Multi-Pattern Vocal Condenser Microphone Package<br/><br/> <br/><br/> [106美國直購] MXL 專業電容式麥克風含避震架 MXL 770X Multi-Pattern Vocal Condenser Microphone Package<br/><br/>](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://tshop.r10s.com/52c/40a/b9ce/1eb2/00d0/9f92/6c48/11c6e791ef54ab3a2954cb.jpg)
[106美國直購] MXL 專業電容式麥克風含避震架 MXL 770X Multi-Pattern Vocal Condenser Microphone Package
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Premium Condenser Microphone with 1.25 inch gold-sputtered diaphragm
Stunning high frequency clarity and detail, balanced with a rich, warm low end.
Switchable Cardioid, Figure 8 and Omni-Directional polar patterns for versatility in recording vocals and instruments
Bundle includes 770X Multi-pattern Condenser Microphone, shockmount with integrated metal pop-filter, balanced 20' XLR cable, and microfiber cleaning cloth
From the manufacturer
Type: Pressure Gradient Multi-Pattern Condenser Mic
Diaphragm: 6 Micron Gold-Sputtered
Capsule Size: 32mm/1.26 in.
Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Polar Pattern: Cardioid/Figure-8/Omni
Sensitivity: -35 dB re 1 V/Pa
Output Impedance: 200 ohms
Attenuation Switch: 0 dB, -10 dB
High Pass Filter: 6 dB/Octave @ 135 Hz
Equivalent Noise: 16 dB (A-weighted IEC 651)
S/N Ratio: 78 dB (Ref. 1 Pa A-Weighted)
Max SPL for .5% THD: 130 dB/140 dB (0 dB, -10 dB pad)
Power Requirements: 48V phantom power (+/- 4V)
Size: 60mm x 185mm/2.36 in. x 7.28 in.
Weight: 1.1 lbs/500 g
Metal Finish: Black with Black Grill
MXL 770X
Multi-Pattern Condenser Microphone Package
The MXL 770X Multipattern Vocal Condenser Microphone Package offers flexibility and performance for the studio in an all-in-one recording bundle. The 770X builds on the success and versatility of the popular MXL 770 with an upgraded large diaphragm gold-sputtered capsule in three switch-selectable polar patterns: cardioid, figure eight, and omni-directional. This multipattern design allows the user to optimize the 770X for recording vocals, instruments, and all your recording needs. The 770X package includes the 770X Multipattern Condenser Microphone, shock mount with integrated pop-filter, balanced XLR cable, and a microfiber cleaning cloth.
MXL is one of the leading manufacturer of high performance audio products for professionals and recording enthusiasts around the world. MXL’s award-winning solutions continue to astound today’s top artists, engineers, professional producers, and businesses that require sonic perfection on stage, in the studio, and in the conference room.
Versatile switch-selectable polar patterns: cardioid, figure-of-eight, and omnidirectional allows for a variety of recording applications
Large diaphragm gold-sputtered capsule captures stunning clarity and detail
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Premium Condenser Microphone with upgraded 1.25 inch gold-sputtered diaphragm.
Low noise with stunning clarity and detail in the highs while retaining thickness and warmth on the low end.
Switchable polar patterns allow you to choose between cardioid, figure-of-eight, and omnidirectional for versatility in recording vocals and instruments.
Complete Studio Recording package includes 770X Multi-pattern Condenser Microphone & bonus accessories: shock mount with integrated pop-filter, balanced 20' XLR cable, and microfiber cleaning cloth.
Selectable Polar Patterns: The 770X can switch between polar patterns to best match the environment
The Cardioid polar pattern excels at picking up sound from the front of the microphone, less from the sides and has good rejection of sounds to the back of the microphone. Select the cardioid pattern for situations when you want to pick up specific sound sources, such as a specific guitar within an ensemble, and is recommended for recording applications where the acoustics are good, but not perfect. For instance, a cardioid pattern is less likely to pick up ambient noise from computers and recording equipment.
The Omni-Directionalpolar pattern picks up sound equally from all sides of the microphone. This is best used for recording in environments with excellent acoustics, as the omni-directional pickup excels at picking up ambient noise. The omni-directional polar pattern is less sensitive to 'plosives', handling noise and the proximity effect.
Product description
style:MXL 770X
The MXL 770X multi-pattern condenser microphone package offers recording flexibility and increased performance in an all-in-one recording bundle. Building on the success and versatility of the popular MXL770, the 770X includes a larger upgraded gold-sputtered diaphragm for increased dynamic range and enhanced detail. The capsule offers 3 selectable polar patterns (Cardioid, Figure 8, and Omni-directional) optimizing the 770x for vocal, instrument, and even room recording situations. The 770X bundle includes the 770x mic, a heavy duty shock mount with an integrated pop-filter, a 20 foot balanced XLR cable, and a microfiber cleaning cloth. This package is a perfect solution combining flexibility, quality, and value for the recording musician.
Product information
style:MXL 770X
Item Weight 3.4 pounds
Product Dimensions 7.3 x 2.4 x 2.4 inches
Shipping Weight 3.4 pounds
Item model number 770X

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